Day Two: Rebecca

Guinness Lake in Roundwood, Ireland on our way back from our Glendalough excursion
Before I can explain the importance of this photo, I must share some background information. I was born in Germany and raised in a low-income, single-parent household. There weren’t a lot of opportunities for adventure or dreaming growing up, especially not after having a child when I was a young adult. Since I was a little girl, I had always dreamed of the beauty and magic that Irelands hold. I wanted to visit so desperately. I always thought it was an empty dream as I doubted I would ever get the chance to leave all the responsibilities (of being a single-mother and sole financial provider to my daughter) behind to chase this dream. When the opportunity for this trip presented itself, I knew it was a matter of life fulfillment or regret and so I made every possible arrangement to afford the chance to visit. 
Until today, we have only stayed inside Dublin, a very large, densely populated, and busy city. Dublin is not the Ireland that I dreamed of, but still the culture and kindness locals show is unparalleled. Today we ventured towards County Wicklow and a common phrase I kept hearing repeated (from myself included) was “This is the Ireland I have always imagined.” Back to why this photo is important to me – it will forevermore remind me to never, ever believe that I cannot achieve my dreams and aspirations. Capturing this beautiful photo and seeing it in life made me realize that I made it; I actually made it to Ireland, when I never thought I ever would be able to. This photo will also remind me to chase after my dreams rather than to wait for the dreams to find me, because this trip to Ireland – in all its majestic beauty as shown in this photo – was a chance in a lifetime for me to wake up and start telling myself that I can make anything happen, most importantly my dreams. 
